Saturday, March 6, 2010


(centimeters) Small frame
(weight in kgs) Medium frame
(weight in kgs) Large frame
(weight in kgs)
157.5 58.1-60.8 59.4-64.0 62.6-68.0
160.0 59.0-61.7 60.3-64.9 63.5-69.4
162.6 59.9-62.6 61.2-65.8 64.4-70.7
165.1 60.8-63.5 62.1-67.1 65.3-72.6
167.6 61.7-64.4 63.0-68.5 66.2-74.4
170.2 62.6-65.8 64.4-69.8 67.6-76.2
172.7 63.5-67.1 65.8-71.2 68.9-78.0
175.3 64.4-68.5 67.1-72.6 70.3-79.8
177.8 65.3-69.8 68.5-73.9 71.7-81.6
180.3 66.2-71.2 69.8-75.3 73.0-83.5
182.9 67.6-72.6 71.2-77.1 74.4-85.3
185.4 68.9-74.4 72.6-78.9 76.2-87.1
188.0 70.3-76.2 74.4-80.7 78.0-89.4
190.5 71.7-78.0 75.7-82.6 79.8-91.6
193.0 73.5-79.8 77.6-84.8 82.1-93.9


(centimeters) Small frame
(weight in kgs) Medium frame
(weight in kgs) Large frame
(weight in kgs)
147.3 45.9-49.9 49.0-54.0 53.1-58.9
149.9 46.3-50.8 49.9-55.3 54.0-60.3
152.4 46.8-51.7 50.8-56.7 54.9-61.6
154.9 47.7-53.1 51.7-58.0 56.2-63.0
157.5 48.6-54.4 53.1-59.4 57.6-64.3
160.0 49.9-55.8 54.4-60.7 58.9-66.1
162.6 51.3-57.1 55.8-62.1 66.3-67.9
165.1 52.6-58.5 57.1-63.4 61.6-69.7
167.6 54.0-59.8 58.5-64.8 63.0-71.5
170.2 55.3-61.2 59.3-66.1 64.3-73.3
172.7 56.7-62.5 61.2-67.5 65.7-75.4
175.3 58.5-63.9 62.5-68.8 67.5-76.5
177.8 59.4-65.2 63.9-70.2 68.4-77.8
180.3 60.7-66.6 65.2-71.5 69.7-79.2
182.9 62.1-67.9 66.6-72.9 71.1-80.5

Source : Metropolitan Life Insurance

A quick way to find out your ideal weight

The simplest way to find out one’s ideal body weight for height is by this method

Ideal body weight = Height (in cms.) – 100

Waist To Hip Ratio

The distribution of fat around the body differs for both men and women. It must be noted that the fat distribution in men is more in the upper part of the body and is called android obesity or “apple shaped” while in women it is concentrated around the lower regions i.e the hips. This type of fat distribution is known as gynoid type or “pear shaped”.

Waist to hip ratio (WHR) is used as an indicator of obesity and the risk associated with it.

To measure this, measure your waist at the point of the navel while the measurement of the hips is done at the broadest part.

Measurement of waist
To determine WHR =
Measurement of hips

Values greater than or equal to 0.9 for men and greater than or equal to 0.85 for women indicate obesity and risk of disorders like diabetes and heart diseases.

Body Mass Index or BMI is used to determine the degree of body fat and the relative risk to the health of a person.

Weight (kg)
Height (Mtrs)
Category BMI kg/m2
Under weight Below 20
Normal 20 - 22
High normal 22 - 25
Obesity 25 - 30
Extremely obese Over 30

A BMI that is between ‘20 to 25’ is considered to be normal.

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